
We have an exciting opportunity for you and your organization! 

Partners HP (formerly The Hunger and Poverty Prevention Partnership of Portage County) is offering a limited number of grants to fund activities that prevent or reduce  hunger.

Grants are available as a result of our annual Empty Bowls events.  These funds are used to develop and sustain programs that both prevent hunger and increase food security, as well as efforts that demonstrate poverty prevention.

Prevention: for activities that help prevent hunger and/or poverty, such as:

*Increasing awareness of local hunger and/or poverty issues through community campaigns, media or other projects

*Educating children about hunger and/or poverty

*Collaboratively addressing hunger and/or poverty

*Expand current efforts to increase the impact on hunger and/or poverty 

Supplemental Food Assistance:  to assist organizations in meeting food assistance needs in Portage County

Partners HP must receive all grant applications no later than December 10, 2024. Incomplete or late proposals will not be considered.

 Approval of the grants will be done by January 31, 2025. Award notifications will be sent after the approval process is complete.  Grant dollars will be disbursed by the end of calendar year 2025.

A final report to share the outcome or update of your activity/project is required at the  large group quarterly meeting of HPPP-PC in August 2025.

We look forward to hearing from you and partnering with you organization. 

LINK: Grant Application Instructions

LINK: Grant Application